What I offer

Individual coaching

Are you ready to embrace new opportunities or tackle old problems? I love working one-on-one with clients on their defined agenda. After a free initial conversation to get acquainted and see if I am a good fit, I recommend starting out with 6 sessions to give enough time to make progress toward your goals. Sessions can be in-person or virtual. My fees are on a sliding scale to accommodate each client’s situation and ensure that coaching is accessible to people ready for change.

Group coaching

Designing Your Life Certified Coach badge


Are you finishing college or a recent grad looking for that first professional job? Instead of spending countless hours formatting an attractive resume and sending it out to hundreds of random postings, consider investing 12 hours of your time to learn a refreshing approach to job searching that will empower you to define and find a career that works for you.

Working in a small group of peers and using the design thinking principles and tools from Designing Your Life (Bill Burnett and Dave Evans), this fun, transformative experience will set you on the path toward designing the life and career you want.


Have you taken time away from your career to care for family, manage health issues, support a partner's career, or deal with other welcome or unwelcome interruptions? If you are looking to relaunch a career or discover a new direction, this group coaching experience is for you.

Using the design thinking principles and tools from Designing Your New Work Life (Bill Burnett and Dave Evans), this supportive experience will rebuild your confidence and clarify the direction you want to pursue as you re-enter the world of work.

Reboot retreats

Do you long to take a break from the busyness of everyday life to set your intention for a new year? Instead of making a long list of resolutions that will likely be abandoned, consider joining us for a day-long retreat to reboot and refresh through a combination of wellness and life coaching activities. You will have time to reflect on what you want to learn, explore, discover and change to create a new year that is life-giving, not life-draining.

Follow-up group and individual coaching sessions will provide the support you need to maintain focus and momentum toward your goals.

Organizational Leadership and Teams

Seattle Coach Certified badge

Are you an experienced leader who wants to create a culture of learning and trust where your teams can thrive? Using principles from Seattle Coach's Coaching for Leaders, we will customize a program to fit your organizational needs to develop a coaching culture that promotes employee development, performance and satisfaction.